Where to Recycle Blister Packs in Australia

Blister packs are a common packaging used for medicines, supplements, and other healthcare products. While they are convenient and effective at protecting their contents, they are not always recyclable in regular household recycling programs. This can lead to them ending up in landfills, where they can take decades or even centuries to decompose. Fortunately, there are options for recycling blister packs in Australia. In this article, we’ll explore where to recycle blister packs and why it’s important to do so.

Why Recycle Blister Packs?

Recycling blister packs is important for several reasons. Firstly, it reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. Which helps to conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Secondly, it prevents potentially hazardous materials from entering the environment. As some blister packs contain aluminium or plastic that can be harmful if not disposed of properly. Finally, recycling blister packs can help to create new products and reduce the demand for virgin materials.

Where to Recycle Blister Packs

If you’re wondering where to recycle blister packs in Australia, there are several options available:

  • Local Council Recycling Programs
    • Many local councils offer recycling programs for household waste, including some types of packaging. Check with your local council to see if they accept blister packs. And if so, what the requirements are for sorting and preparing them for recycling.
  • TerraCycle
    • TerraCycle is a company that specialises in hard-to-recycle waste with Zero Waste Boxes, including for blister packs. They offer a free program called the Medicine Packet Recycling Program, which accepts all brands of blister packs. As well as empty medicine pouches and sachets, like those you receive at SimpleDose. Simply sign up on TerraCycle’s website, print a shipping label, and send your blister packs to be recycled.
  • Pharmacycle
    • Pharmacycle is another specialist in the pharmacy recycling industry, also helping to achieve zero waste by providing people with boxes to help reduce the amount of landfill created with used blister packs and sachets.
  • Pharmacy Collection Programs
    • Some pharmacies offer collection programs for blister packs. Ask your local pharmacy if they accept blister packs for recycling, and if so, what the requirements are for sorting and preparing them for recycling.
  • Drop-Off Locations
    • Some organizations, such as hospitals and community centers, may have drop-off locations for hard-to-recycle waste, including blister packs. Check with your local organizations to see if they offer this service.

How to Prepare Blister Packs for Recycling

Before recycling blister packs, it’s important to prepare them properly to ensure they can be effectively processed. This typically involves removing any leftover medication or supplements and separating any paper or cardboard from the plastic or aluminium. Check with your local recycling program or TerraCycle for specific instructions on how to prepare blister packs for recycling.


Recycling blister packs is an important step towards reducing waste and protecting the environment. Whether you use your local council recycling program, TerraCycle, or a pharmacy collection program, there are options available for recycling blister packs in Australia. By taking the time to properly prepare your blister packs for recycling, you can help to create a more sustainable future.

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